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ToggleSirviendo a Phoenix, el condado de Maricopa y todo Arizona
Estar involucrado en un accidente de camión puede hacer que se sienta indefenso. Las lesiones pueden ser frustrantes y limitantes. Su vida puede cambiar para siempre o temporalmente debido a las lesiones y daños que ha sufrido en un accidente de camión. Estamos comprometidos a brindarle justicia. Nuestros abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert manejan casos como el suyo a diario y luchan por una justicia plena y justa. Comuníquese con nosotros lo antes posible para programar una primera consulta gratuita donde pueda recibir asesoramiento legal gratuito y de alta calidad sobre lesiones. Llámenos de inmediato y programaremos su consulta.Abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert
Estar involucrado en un accidente de camión puede hacer que se sienta indefenso. Las lesiones pueden ser frustrantes y limitantes. Su vida puede cambiar para siempre o temporalmente debido a las lesiones y daños que ha sufrido en un accidente de camión. Estamos comprometidos a brindarle justicia. Nuestros abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert manejan casos como el suyo a diario y luchan por una justicia plena y justa. Comuníquese con nosotros lo antes posible para programar una primera consulta gratuita donde pueda recibir asesoramiento legal gratuito y de alta calidad sobre lesiones. Llámenos de inmediato y programaremos su consulta.Estatuto de limitaciones para accidentes de camiones en Arizona
“Estatuto de limitaciones” es un término que se refiere a la cantidad de tiempo en el que se le permite presentar su reclamo para solicitar una compensación. Es la cantidad de tiempo desde la fecha de su accidente hasta el final de su elegibilidad. Cada estado tiene un conjunto único de leyes relacionadas con los accidentes de camiones. Su estatuto de limitaciones en Arizona puede variar según sus circunstancias. Por lo general, le recomendamos que se comunique con nuestros abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert tan pronto como sea posible porque estos casos pueden ser urgentes, lo que significa que si se demora en comunicarse e iniciar su reclamo de inmediato, entonces la probabilidad de éxito de su caso comienza a disminuir. En la mayoría de los accidentes automovilísticos, incluidos los accidentes de camiones en Arizona, se le otorga un plazo de prescripción de dos años para presentar su reclamo con la esperanza de obtener una compensación por sus daños. Si presenta un reclamo por daños a la propiedad, lesiones graves o en nombre de alguien que murió en un accidente de camión, el plazo de prescripción sigue siendo el mismo. Son dos años para cualquiera de este tipo de casos. Si intentara presentar su reclamo después de la fecha del segundo aniversario del accidente de camión, lo más probable es que el tribunal lo rechace. Ésta no es una directriz vaga; es un plazo legal. Le recomendamos encarecidamente que se comunique con nuestros abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert lo antes posible porque queremos comenzar a trabajar en su caso de inmediato. Sabemos que la justicia no ocurre de la noche a la mañana, por lo que esperamos que no espere hasta las últimas semanas de su plazo de prescripción para comunicarse con nosotros. Puedes llamarnos tan pronto como puedas. Puede ser desde el lugar del accidente de camión, desde la cama de la sala de emergencias o al día siguiente desde la comodidad de su hogar. Cuanto antes actúe, antes podremos recopilar pruebas antes de que desaparezcan y comenzar a protegerlo de la compañía de seguros que quiere descartar su reclamo o reducir lo que deben.Reglas de negligencia comparativa de Arizona para accidentes de camiones
La compensación está dictada por las reglas de cada estado individual con respecto a los casos. Arizona es un estado que sigue las reglas de negligencia comparativa pura. Esto es lo que necesita saber: Si, por ejemplo, lo golpearon mientras estaba detenido en un semáforo en rojo, es probable que el otro conductor tenga toda la culpa. En ese caso, no habrías hecho nada malo ni habrías hecho nada que te pudiera generar culpa. Sin embargo, si estaba en la carretera yendo ligeramente por encima del límite de velocidad y alguien se incorporó a su carril sin una señal de giro y golpeó la parte delantera de su automóvil, lo que provocó que usted girara, es posible que tenga parte de responsabilidad por el accidente. Esto se debe a que, si iba más lento, es posible que el accidente no hubiera ocurrido o hubiera sido menos grave. En un caso así, usted podría asumir parte de la culpa del accidente. Debido a las leyes de compensación en Arizona, en el primer ejemplo usted no tendría culpa en el incidente y recibiría su compensación en el porcentaje más completo. En el otro caso, en el que alguien lo atropelló pero iba a exceso de velocidad y fue parcialmente culpable, al final recibiría una parte de su indemnización porque se reduciría en el porcentaje en el que se le consideró culpable. La ley de Arizona dice que cualquiera de las partes es elegible para recibir una compensación, independientemente de si comparten o no la culpa del accidente. La culpa comparativa pura le permite cobrar una indemnización incluso si tiene la culpa parcial o mayoritariamente. Eso significa que usted podría tener hasta un 99% de culpa y aún tener derecho a recibir el uno por ciento de la compensación. En otro ejemplo, si se le considera culpable en un 20%, tendrá derecho a recibir el 80% de la compensación. Básicamente, la compañía de seguros es consciente de este hecho y tiene tácticas que utiliza para tratar de culparle a usted parte de la culpa para poder reducir lo que le deben. Si, por alguna razón, pudieran decir que usted es 100% culpable del accidente, por supuesto que no recibiría compensación. Nuestros abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert luchan arduamente para garantizar que usted tenga la oportunidad más justa de obtener una compensación. No queremos que te pase algo como esto: Estás en una carretera muy transitada cuando la persona que está delante de ti frena bruscamente, lo que te obliga a hacer lo mismo. Debido a que frenaron bruscamente, provocó un choque detrás de ti. Pudiste evitar golpear a la persona que estaba delante de ti, pero alguien detrás de ti te golpeó. En un caso como ese, la compañía de seguros podría intentar culparle a usted de la mayor parte de la culpa. Digamos que intentan y logran decir que usted tuvo el 60% de la culpa del accidente. Eso significaría que si le otorgaran $10,000 en compensación, solo podría cobrar el 40% de la indemnización, lo que le dejaría con $4,000. Nuestro objetivo como abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert es proteger sus derechos a una compensación completa y justa. No queremos que la compañía de seguros exagere el incidente y le culpe a usted más de lo que debería. Mereces una compensación al máximo. Queremos adelantarnos a la compañía de seguros recopilando pruebas y obteniendo información de contacto de los testigos. Queremos asegurarnos de que no hable con la compañía de seguros para obtener una declaración grabada porque pueden usar y usarán sus palabras en su contra para reducir su indemnización. También queremos asegurarnos de que reciba el tratamiento que necesita para comenzar su recuperación para que podamos tener pruebas de las lesiones que le causó la parte responsable. Si la compañía de seguros vio que hubo un retraso en el tratamiento médico entre el momento del accidente y la presentación del reclamo, entonces intentarán decir que usted mintió acerca de la gravedad de sus lesiones o que mintió acerca de dónde obtuvo su seguro. lesiones en absoluto. De cualquier manera, eso les permite intentar deshacerse o reducir lo que le deben. Asegúrese de hablar con un abogado antes de hacer cualquier tipo de contacto con la compañía de seguros porque esos agentes de la compañía de seguros han sido capacitados para hablar con usted y obtener respuestas de usted para reducir lo que le deben.Nuestros abogados también se centran en las siguientes áreas de práctica:
- Accidente automovilistico
- Accidente de construcción
- Mordida de perro
- Accidente de motocicleta
- Abuso en hogares de ancianos
- Resbalar y caer
- Lesión cerebral traumática
- Lesiones Por Quemaduras
- Compensación de trabajadores
- Muerte injusta
Llame hoy a nuestros abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert
Estar involucrado en un accidente de camión es completamente devastador en la mayoría de las circunstancias. Las lesiones son inimaginables para aquellos que tienen la suerte de no conocer nunca la experiencia de un accidente de camión. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales de Gilbert entienden por lo que está pasando. Hemos visto a clientes como usted superar estos casos junto con nuestra ayuda para encontrar el éxito y una compensación por sus daños. Queremos ayudarle a obtener los mismos resultados. Comuníquese con nosotros lo antes posible. Nuestros abogados luchan con uñas y dientes para garantizar que sus resultados sean completos y justos. Estamos aquí para ayudarlo en cada paso del proceso para que se sienta apoyado y educado, pero no tenga que preocuparse por la carga de representar un caso por su cuenta. Te lo ponemos más fácil. Llame hoy para programar su consulta gratuita y recibir un valioso asesoramiento legal gratuito sobre lesiones.Preguntas frecuentes para nuestros abogados de accidentes de camiones en Gilbert, AZ
One of our attorneys was asked that question recently. Incidents involving semi-truck drivers under the influence are actually more common than he imagines. Most commercial drivers, if they’ve been doing it for a long time and are drug addicts, usually know how to hide that information and become very skilled at it.
For example, being drunk is not the most common situation for commercial drivers. There are other drugs that are more difficult to detect. That’s even more of a reason to call our firm and have us investigate the case right away because we can uncover those situations. If it is simply a flagrant DUI, then the criminal justice system actually provides you with some additional money or possible compensation, and we will guide you through that process. One of our attorneys is a former prosecutor so he is very familiar with that process and can guide you through that process so we can get you the insurance money, but a judge can order the DUI driver to directly reimburse you for any economic damages. that was not fully covered by insurance.
Beyond that, can we sue the driver directly? Well, if the insurance company doesn’t pay what they should, we always sue the driver and make sure we do it. That’s one of the things our firm can absolutely do. We sue drunk drivers, whether they drive large commercial vehicles or a small Honda. When they are drunk, it automatically means they are putting everyone on the highway at risk, including you, their victim. They have to pay for it and that is another reason why you should call us. Remember, if you are hit by a DUI driver or someone high, in a commercial vehicle or in any situation, call us. The call is free, the information is free and we are here to help you.
We had a situation where a client called our office recently, asked one of our attorneys this, and this is how our attorney responded. The short answer is no, it’s a bad idea. Because? Because all insurance adjusters are trained to know how to take what you have and use it against you in the future. This is doubly and triply true in truck accident cases because, if you are an insurance adjuster, you do not become a truck insurance adjuster on day one. You start with the small parking cases and when you get to the truck accident cases, you are very skilled at protecting the trucking company. He is also very skilled at making sure the trucking company doesn’t have to pay too much money to people who were injured. That is why you need to have a truck accident law firm on your side to balance this.
You have seen the scale of justice; You don’t want to be in a situation where you basically have a heavyweight fitter here and you’re on your own, the light weight, because they’re going to crush you eventually. Remember, call us early. The call is free, the information is free. As for speaking with an adjuster, we do not allow our clients to speak with adjusters about their injuries or the accident. We only do it in writing and this way we protect our clients. Don’t be fooled by what the insurance adjuster says: “Well, if you don’t give me a recorded statement, then I’m not going to fix your car.” When you call us and hire us, that’s why we will balance things in your favor. Remember, the call is free, the information is free. It can be priceless. It can make a difference for you by tens of thousands or even millions of dollars, and we are here to help.
This is a question that many families unfortunately face when they lose a loved one due to the carelessness or recklessness of a commercial truck driver. Nationwide, this happens to thousands of families a year, and unfortunately, it happens quite regularly in Arizona. When that happens, the question is, “I lost my loved one because of that driver, because I was texting instead of driving,” or “They were staring at the screen here and doing whatever, instead of paying attention.” in front”. . Can the driver be sued along with the company? The answer is absolutely yes. We have had that situation and our attorneys will tell you that it is a classic situation, where, yes, our attorneys will go after the driver who took the life of his loved one.
Call us in a situation like that because not only can we refer you to some incredibly helpful grief support groups, but we can also work on the legal side of the case while your family emotionally heals.
Give us a call and we’ll make some referrals to people who have been through the exact same situation you’re going through now, and that makes a difference. Remember, if you have lost a loved one due to a trucker’s inattentive moment or worse, we will connect you with some wonderful people who have been through the same thing and can help you emotionally while we handle your case. legally. Call us. The call is free, the information is free. Give us a call, because we hope you can feel that we are really here for you.
The question arises: If you are involved in a serious truck accident in Arizona, is it a good idea or will it ever be a good idea to accept the insurance company’s first offer? We get clients in that situation all the time. The other day, someone called our office and spoke to one of our attorneys about it. This is what our lawyer advised; Of course, that was specific to his case, and that is why he needs to call and ask one of our attorneys to analyze his specific situation. I think you may also find the information in general useful.
When an insurance company is in a rush to get you to settle your claim, that should be a clue to you that it will be favorable for the insurance company and probably unfavorable for you. If an insurance adjuster says, “Hey, here’s a check for $3,000. We’ll cover $6,000 in medical bills, but I need to know if I can get the check to you this afternoon. Before you say yes, say, “Hmm, I just need to think about this for a couple of days,” and then, for people who called our law firm, give us a call and we’ll go over everything with you. Most of the time, almost 90% of the time, after analysis by one of our attorneys, you will discover that it is a bad offer, a bad deal, and that you will end up being scammed.
Of course, the insurance adjuster will imply or say, “Pay now and you won’t have to lose a third of your salary to a lawyer,” but you should still call us. If we can’t do a better job than what they offer, one of our attorneys will tell you that and say, “Okay, okay,” but that’s rarely the case. Instead, what you will discover is that if your case is developed properly, you will receive the best medical care and everything will be done correctly. The transport company is investigated. If they have a bad safety record, that becomes part of the case. If everything is accounted for like this, our law firm will typically get a lot more money in their pocket, and they know it. That’s why they are in a hurry for you to reach an agreement.
Call us first and make sure that doesn’t happen to you. One of our attorneys will be happy to review any offer you have been made and analyze it. There are some cases, rare as they may be, where you are not really seriously injured and that first offer may not be something terrible. At least get a medical checkup and make sure that’s the case. Then one of our lawyers will say, “Sure, go ahead,” but that’s very rare. Remember, the call is free, the information is free, and it may be priceless. It can make the difference between tens of thousands and even potentially millions of dollars in your case, so don’t forget to call us. We are truly here for you.
The question often arises: “If I am involved in a truck accident, how can I determine the value of my case?” In fact, the other day, a truck accident victim called our law firm and spoke with one of our attorneys, and this is what our attorney explained. Typically, an injury case can be worth more money related to a truck accident if handled properly, and that is a big if.
As the attorney explained, because there is typically a lot more insurance coverage involved, trucking companies fight these claims a lot harder. They are much more interested in not revealing information that could help or harm you. Frankly, that’s his role most of the time. Remember, you have loved ones who may have serious injuries and are recovering; they may have died. You are heartbroken.
While that’s happening, give us a call. We can work on the legal aspect while you are grieving or focusing on physical recovery. We will recommend some great experts who can help you in all of those areas. As for what the ultimate value of that case is, right off the bat, one of our attorneys might be able to give you some kind of estimate, but we’ll only have a clear idea of that as your injuries recover or as we get more information about the case. case. Bad things that the shipping company may be guilty of. That can substantially increase the value of your case, so give us a call. One of our attorneys will be happy to analyze your particular situation and let you know at least a range of what your case is worth. As the case progresses, we will be able to give you a better idea.
Call us early. Don’t call us late. There is a lot we can do if you have blown your case, so to speak. Call us. The call is free, the information is free and we are truly here to help you. How do I determine the value of my truck accident claim?
The question often arises: “If I am involved in a truck accident, how can I determine the value of my case?” In fact, the other day, a truck accident victim called our law firm and spoke with one of our attorneys, and this is what our attorney explained. Typically, an injury case can be worth more money related to a truck accident if handled properly, and that is a big if.
As the attorney explained, because there is typically a lot more insurance coverage involved, trucking companies fight these claims a lot harder. They are much more interested in not revealing information that could help or harm you. Frankly, that’s his role most of the time. Remember, you have loved ones who may have serious injuries and are recovering; they may have died. You are heartbroken.
While that’s happening, give us a call. We can work on the legal aspect while you are grieving or focusing on physical recovery. We will recommend some great experts who can help you in all of those areas. As for what the ultimate value of that case is, right off the bat, one of our attorneys might be able to give you some kind of estimate, but we’ll only have a clear idea of that as your injuries recover or as we get more information about the case. case. Bad things that the shipping company may be guilty of. That can substantially increase the value of your case, so give us a call. One of our attorneys will be happy to analyze your particular situation and let you know at least a range of what your case is worth. As the case progresses, we will be able to give you a better idea.
Call us early. Don’t call us late. There is a lot we can do if you have blown your case, so to speak. Call us. The call is free, the information is free and we are really here to help you.
The question often arises, “How do I select the right truck accident attorney if I am injured in Arizona?” That is a very important question if he has been hit by a semi-truck or any large truck. In fact, we’ve had situations like that recently, where people contact us to talk to one of our attorneys and say, “Yeah, if someone can cause a car accident, it’s just a bigger vehicle, right? ”. Well, one of our attorneys was talking to a potential client the other day and explained that no, that’s not right. It’s like the difference between the minor leagues and the major leagues, if you’re a baseball player, and the reason is that it’s really very different in how a truck accident case should be handled than a car accident case.
For example, it is very common for many car accident lawyers to handle it the same way, and that can cost you, as the client, as the lawyer explained, thousands of dollars. As? As explained to this potential client, let’s review some of those possibilities. All of these trucks today have onboard computers that record everything. What happens is, after someone is rear-ended by a truck, insurance companies send in all these experts immediately to protect their client, not necessarily to secure evidence.
As one of our attorneys explained to the potential client, what we do is make sure that one of our experts is there to download that information at the same time that the shipping company has an expert. Otherwise, what often happens is that the trucking company or your insurance company simply says, “Oops, it’s gone.” Of course, that’s where the evidence would hurt them. If it is useful, they have no problem preserving that evidence. We had a situation where a truck driver rear-ended our clients, several people were killed, and the insurance company tried to blame our vehicle. They said the lights weren’t on. It took us a whole year and finally we were able to take the statement from the other driver, the truck driver, and it turned out that right before we took the truck driver’s statement, we got the medical evidence that showed that this truck driver was high on almost everything he had. you can imagine.
After we presented it to the trucking company attorney, he said, “I imagine now you probably want us to pay the policy limits” and, by the way, the policy limits are usually minimal, $750,000, millions more common . and sometimes several million dollars. We obtained a very good agreement for our clients. If you are not willing to go that far, the trucking company, their insurance company, and their attorneys will do everything they can to make it difficult or impossible for you to find out what they did wrong.
Another situation is that drivers become tired from driving too much. Nowadays, trucking companies are usually smart enough not to tell drivers to drive as many hours as they want to make more money. However, they can encourage and tolerate it. In the old days, they used to have log books and could modify them, but now that information is stored on computers. It can show each place they stopped, whether they got enough rest, or drove more hours. If the company tolerates that type of behavior, just because the drivers make more money, they make more profits, they could end up killing more people as a result. That case may qualify for what is called punitive damages; That’s another thing the lawyer explained to them. Punitive damages open up a tremendous amount of compensation beyond medical bills and pain and suffering.
If you are in a situation where you or a loved one was involved in a truck accident, give us a call. We can do a search and find out if this trucking company and their inspections (if they haven’t passed most of their inspections, if their drivers have been taken off the road due to rule violations) we will tell you about that guy for free. of information, and that can make a big difference in the value of your case, even with the same injuries. That is only part of what our attorneys can explain when analyzing your individual situation.
Remember, in any truck accident, you really need to have a law firm on your side. Call us early. There are more things we can help you with. There is more we can do. Call us. The call is free, the information is free, and it can be invaluable and make a difference of tens of thousands of dollars to you or potentially millions. Call us because we are here for you.
The question often arises: “I was involved in a truck accident. How is that different from a normal car accident? There is a difference?” That’s a common question. The other day, a potential client called our firm and asked one of our attorneys that question, and here’s how the attorney responded. Firstly, yes, there is a big difference in the amount of insurance compensation potentially available. Instead of maybe $15,000, $25,000 or $50,000, there will be at least $750,000 or a million, two million or ten million dollars potentially available. That is one of the first differences.
The second is that even if you don’t feel like you have been injured, call us, because another factor is the behavior of the driver and all the other drivers who drive for that company. If they are on the so-called unsafe list – and you can call us and we can look that up quickly and tell you – your case may be worth more money just for that, because of your bad record. Again, that’s another reason why truck cases are different than hit-by-car cases on the street.
Another big difference is that because there may be a lot more money involved, insurance companies and trucking companies are much more likely to say, “Hey, you know what? This is all we are going to offer you. Sue us.” They think they have hidden enough things and have nothing to worry about. Well, we’re very good at discovering things they’ve been trying to hide. We had a trucking company that rear-ended our customers and killed several of them, and they were like, “Oh, your truck, the brake lights weren’t working. “It’s their clients’ fault, not our driver.” It took a whole year for the results to come back and show the truth, then the insurance company said, “Okay, okay, we will pay all of our policy limits.” Until that point, they continued to blame our client for something, but that was certainly not the cause of that collision.
There is definitely a difference, and that is a reason to call us early and have one of our attorneys discuss your case, specifically discuss it with you. Even if you are not ready to hire us, at least you will have that information available to help guide your decision in choosing the best truck accident law firm for your case. Remember, the call is free, the information is free, and it may be priceless. It can make the difference of tens of thousands, or even potentially millions of dollars, in a truck accident. We are truly here for you.
The question often arises: “I was hit by a large semi-trailer and seriously injured. How long will it take me to resolve my claim? I’m out of work. I have these medical bills piling up. How much time will it take?” That’s a common question. In fact, a potential client asked me that a couple of weeks ago. One of our attorneys spoke to the client and told him this, and this is general information for you, but call and speak to one of our attorneys and we will give you information specific to your case. What the lawyer said is that truck accidents are not the same as a small fender bender that occurred on the next block.
Typically, the damage to your vehicle is much greater and insurance companies and trucking companies treat these cases very differently. Instead of maybe $15,000 or $25,000 of insurance coverage, they will have $750,000 in insurance coverage, a million dollars, two million, ten million, twenty million dollars in insurance coverage, to make sure they protect their own interests. – which, by the way, does not include you. That’s why you need an experienced truck accident law firm on your side because it becomes a battle; It’s like a war. Sometimes in wars, some people win and others lose, so you want to make sure you have experienced truck accident attorneys on your side. You don’t want to go alone against a shipping company or their insurance company because you will usually lose.
Call us ahead of time to at least get the information that is available and then we will be able to give you, once we know more about the trucking company involved and your injuries, a much better idea about how long it will take to resolve your claim. Call us and don’t walk like a lamb to the slaughter. The call is free, the information is free, and it can make a difference of tens of thousands or even millions of dollars for you. Call us. We are here to help you.
The question often arises: In a serious truck accident in Arizona, what are some of the biggest mistakes people make when filing a claim or handling their case? That is an extremely common question. Someone contacted our office recently, spoke to one of our attorneys, and asked that question. He said, “I want to make sure I don’t screw up my case,” and the lawyer said, “Well, the first thing you did right was call us.” The number one mistake that people or families make, if their loved one dies and stuff (they’re grieving and in shock, and it’s all they can do to deal with what happened) is to say, “Well, you know, The legal stuff, we will do it later.” While they are shocked and grieving, the trucking company, their insurance company, and their attorneys are going into damage control mode. As the lawyer explained, this is all kinds of: anything that can hurt the trucking company or make you, the customer, a lot of extra money, they will do everything they can to do it. I mean, if they’re not obligated to preserve it, that evidence no longer exists. Sometimes, when pushed, they simply say, “Oops, mistake. “We don’t know how that happened.”
Please ask someone in the family to contact us so we can begin investigating the case. For us, starting an investigation has no cost to the family and there is no risk. If for some reason we don’t end up getting compensation for the family, you don’t owe us anything, not even the expenses. Just make sure someone in the family calls us and gets us started on the investigation while the family deals with recovery or grief. We have great referrals and references we can make to help the family with that. Just remember, that’s avoiding the number one biggest mistake.
Beyond that, other mistakes are thinking that “Yes, I got injured. The truck cut me off and hit me from behind. “My vehicle may be broken down, but I’m not that hurt.” Well, you know, still call us. A classic example is that you have headaches that you didn’t have before the accident and you think, “Maybe I didn’t get enough sleep” or something like that. If those headaches started after the accident and you didn’t have them before, especially if they are on the front, top, or side of your head, that may be the number one symptom that you have a concussion, and concussions are not reason for laughter. affair. The only time they are a laughing matter is if you don’t call us and we don’t take you to an expert and you get treatment because at the end of your case, the insurance adjuster, if you don’t get a diagnosis and treatment. , they will laugh at you.
It is important that you call us as soon as possible so that we can provide you with the best medical experts. There is nothing wrong with your local chiropractor, but they will not be the ideal medical specialists if you are seriously injured in a major truck accident. Call us. We’ll give you great references, great references. Even if you haven’t decided to hire us, that’s okay. We provide that as a public service to help clients or potential clients avoid damaging their case. Call us in the event of a serious truck accident. The call is free, the information is free, and in fact, it can be worth tens of thousands or even millions of dollars to you and your family, and we provide it because you really matter to us.
The question often arises in truck accidents: “What should I do if I suffered a serious injury in a commercial truck accident in Arizona?” We are talking about 18 wheelers, dump trucks, etc. These vehicles cause massive injuries just because of their size and mass. They can collide with a vehicle traveling at a relatively low speed and cause much greater injuries. If you ever took a physics course in high school, there is a formula to explain that the greater the mass, the more speed it doesn’t take to cause massive damage. In fact, we have experts who will show the trucking company how much damage and injuries they have caused to our customers.
Any time you are in a serious accident with a commercial vehicle, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible. We have clients who call us directly from the hospital. It’s not too early. We can take action and prevent the evidence from being destroyed by notifying the shipping company: “You better keep this information available because we are going to go after it. If you don’t, there will be legal consequences.” All of those things, our lawyers will explain to you, related to your personal case, if you call us. The sooner the better in that situation, even if you just call us and get the information to know and have it to protect yourself. You can take your time in selecting the best law firm, but at least start the process right away.
Call us. The call is free, the information is free and can be invaluable and in the largest trucking cases, probably potentially worth millions of dollars. Do not be late. Remember, we are really here to help you.